Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Book Rants: Bad Ships

Oh god I'm gonna get so much hate..

I hate Caleo. Which Nathan knows, (idk why he isn't posting) because of many reasons.

CALYPSO WAS SHOWN TO STILL LIKE PERCY! She hated him, I hate this ship. The relationship was really rushed, which disappoints me. Their personalities were slightly changed JUST so they could be together. That brings up another point.

CALYPSO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SERIES BEFORE THIS. Literally, she was just brought back so Leo could have a love interest. Rick, you don't need a lover to be happy! That's not a very great message! Geez, I wanted to kill Rick for this. Leo was actually pretty mature, which really annoyed me. HE should be annoying. And Calypso just turned into an overused sassy girl.

PlEaSE RiCk bReAk ThEm uP In ToA

I just really hate this ship! I think it's actually the worst thing Rick's ever written, like he was under pressure and made this ship knowing it would fail anyway. "BUT CLARE!" you say. "THEY LOOK S-"

Tsch tsch tsch, reader. They do not look very cute together either. Even though Leo is my favorite character and my senpai  he sacrificed himself, and I wanted it to end at that. But noo he had to meet Calypso.

This angers me so much I'm not even going to say farewell.


*disappears in fire*

no but leo is hot both literally and figuratively the bad boy supreme wow such cute but he can summon fire he's my little smol cinnamon roll my son then again that makes me want to marry my child but 

1 comment:

  1. I recently read a good young adult fiction novel with a main character that kinda reminds me of me.The book is called Mindblind by Jennifer Rozines Roy. give it 4.9/5!!! #DVT
