Monday, April 25, 2016

Book Rants: Tiny Rants

Ok, this time for book rants, I'm not going to rant about one thing. I'm ranting about several small things not worthy enough to get their own posts. Here we go.

LIBRARIES: Ok, I admit, I don't buy a lot of my books. And frankly, I'd like to keep it that way. Even though I aspire to have a bedroom with bookshelves covered across the walls, not too big, not too small, covered in posters, perfect for fangirling and staying up late, I don't have the money to keep that many books. So I go to the library. And I think it's nice! But it always seems they never have the book I want! It's like everyone's reading the same series as me at the same time! And also, the books there are trash. You share those books with like a thousand other people! You do not get the right to make holes in them! I can't read two pages because of you that way! What kind of monster would take their time and rip out pages! rjjandfinievjiuashndycdavtbid

DESCRIPTIONS: Are you like me? Do you read the descriptions and reviews before reading a book? Good news! You're like me! But you know what's the worst? WHEN THEY PUT IN A SPOILER AT THE DESCRIPTION. Like qjnvejavncedsNhvftads dude! Why?! I don't want to be halfway through the book and find out [Insert character name] dies in the middle! I want to be shocked! Is it so hard to keep the spoiler out of the description? You know how there's those question things? I read one, and it went like:
Dear author name,
Did you have to write [insert spoiler here?]
Love, literal spawn of satan.
And the worst part is when it turns out to be a book in the series! Like when the spine of the book doesn't have the number it is in the series SUCKS. You know the book Ender's Game? I read that book halfway through before googling it and I found out IT'S THE FOURTH BOOK IN A SERIES. I JUST SPOILED IT FOR MYSELF.

BLOOD OF OLYMPUS: This book was just a huge disappointment. By the way, if you look really closely at the whole "Heroes of Olympus" banner at the top, THE SPACING IS UNEQUAL. It annoys me so much im sorry

COVERS: Oh look, it's actually a really great book! But you know the cover you're gonna get? A cliched one that nobody likes. And sometimes there isn't anything on the back!

FANGIRLING: Hipsters are always like, "Ugh do you know that feeling when you love someone who'll never love you back?" Like ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? We're fangirls! The people we love don't even exist! Do yOu KnOw HoW fRuStRaTiNg ThAt iS?

FANGIRLS: Most people think fangirls are all happy and bubbly and like that. But guess what buddy? It's not. We have anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, we're not that bubbly! We use these things we love as an escape! Don't punish your son or daughter by taking away their screen time! You're supposed to heighten their self esteem, not lower it!

BERKS: Do you ever like finish the second to last book in a series but end up reading another one because you don't want it to end? Like I finished Half Blood Prince and started The Hunger Games. I finished Catching Fire and I started reading PJO. (But let's be real, there'll never be an end to PJO.)

MOVIE COVERS: Why? We want the original covers.

BOOK STORES: Where did all of them go? I used to go to this one that was like five to ten minutes from my house on a walk. But guess what? It went bankrupt. So now there's only Barnes and Noble! AND IT'S LIKE A MILLION MILES AWAY Like Barnes and No

UNCULTURED SWINE: THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE W H O  H A V E N ' T  R E A D  T H E  P J O  S E R I E S. I try to tell them about a funny line? THEY H A D TO IGNORE ME!

but yeah that's pretty much it i've calmed down there might be another one of these in like two hours if i can be angry at rick riordan again

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